HJB News & Announcements

Hilda J. Barbour is now accepting online orders for the 2024-2025 school book. The price of the yearbook is $20. Parents can order a yearbook by sending in cash, money order, or a check made out to the HJB PTO. If you send in money with your students, please have it in an envelope the student name, teacher, and grade level. If you would like to order online, you may order place your order here until March 31, 2025.
Wed Feb 26 09:00 AM

Please take a moment to read this letter from the Virginia Department of Health regarding the increase in the number of Pneumonia and Pertussis infections.
Mon Dec 02 03:30 PM

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a federal school meal funding option that enables schools, participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program, to streamline scholl meal operations by allowing schools with a minimum percentage of identified students to provide no-cost meals to all students as well as forgo the collection of free and reduced-price allocations. Learn more at https://vahungersolutions.org/
Fri Aug 23 11:05 AM

Spring Picture Day will be taking place on April 10th.
Fri Mar 22 11:17 AM

Hilda J. Barbour is now accepting online orders for the 2024-2025 school book. The price of the yearbook is $20. Parents can order a yearbook by sending in cash, money order, or a check made out to the HJB PTO. If you send in money with your students, please have it in an envelope the student name, teacher, and grade level. If you would like to order online, you may order place your order here until March 31, 2025.
Wed Feb 26 07:32 AM